
Skin boosters

What are skin boosters?

Most people have heard of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) as it is in many skincare products and makeup. But did you know that it is a naturally occurring substance in our skin and can hold 1000 times its own weight in water, this is why it is so popular for plumping those fine lines and for skin health.

Unfortunately, from the age of around 25 (earlier depending on lifestyle) we start to naturally deplete our stores of HA. Infact when we enter perimenopause, it is the first thing to drastically reduce (amongst other things!). By the time we are 60 years old, 90% of out HA will be lost.

So how do we get it back?

We can apply HA topically to our skin through our skincare (see SkinGoals Power HA), or you can have it injected directly into your skin.

This treatment is called Bio remodeling or Skin boosters.

How does it work?

We gently inject into five shallow points on each side of the face.  We also call it the 5-point facelift as you get a beautiful lift and tightening. A course of treatments are required 4 weeks apart, often 2 sessions are enough to see results. Results last up to around 6-9 months depending on your own physiology (although many prefer another session at 3-6 months).

Skin boosters can also be used on the neck and around the eyes.

Note these are NOT fillers. Results are accumulative, regular treatments result in more of your natural collagen being laid down. This treatment simply puts back what was once there.

How long does it take to see results?

You can start to see results within 4 days of treatment, although the full effect can be seen after the second treatment.

Is there any downtime?

There is no real downtime. It is common to have small bumps under the skin at the injection sites, but this disperses quickly, and you can return to your normal life immediately although strenuous exercise, saunas or steam rooms should be avoided for the first day.

As with all injectable treatments there is a small risk of side effects, such as bruising or swelling at the injection sites. These are rare and if they occur then normally subside quickly

How long does it take?

Treatments are booked within a 30-minute appointment.

How much does it cost?

Skin Boosters – £220 per treatment (2 x treatments 4 weeks apart are recommended)

Profhilo – £250 per treatment (2 x treatments 4 weeks apart are recommended)

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