

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a procedure to create smoother skin. It works by removing the very top layers of your skin where there is evidence of scars (e.g., from acne), fine lines, and some blemishes from sun-damaged skin. A treatment professional skilfully skims the surface of the skin using an exfoliating blade. As well as the top layer of skin, it also removes the hair. 

Dermaplaning is non-invasive and doesn’t require a difficult recovery. It’s used by those wanting a more youthful and softer complexion, to minimise dullness and the appearance of minor skin damage.

Benefits of dermaplaning

There are various pros and cons of dermaplaning. It’s important to remember that most of the benefits of dermaplaning are anecdotal, rather than scientifically proven.

  • Enables better product absorption: When you apply creams and serums to your face, they need to penetrate the top layers to fully benefit your skin. With dermaplaning, the top layer and dead skin cells are removed, meaning the product can penetrate more deeply. Your makeup can also be applied more smoothly.
  • Removes peach fuzz:The fine soft hairs on your face will be completely removed with dermaplaning, leaving your skin clear and soft. This fine hair can trap sebum and dirt, leading to breakouts.
  • Gives you lovely soft skin:Your face will feel extremely soft and smooth.
  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars:Many say that dermaplaning has reduced the visible appearance of their depressed acne scars.
  • Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles:Similarly, many swear by dermaplaning for giving them a more youthful complexion with less noticeable fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Enhances radiance:By removing the dead skin cells, dullness is eliminated, and you will experience a more radiant complexion.
  • Non-invasive and minimal recovery: This isn’t a complex cosmetic procedure, and within a few days you’ll notice the benefits. No chemicals are used.
  • Is suitable for most people:All skin types can generally use dermaplaning safely.
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